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Sports Massage

Premium Health Services

Sports Massage
AMS sports massage treatments are delivered by Physiotherapists who have extensive knowledge of your muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. They understand what pressure is going to be effective and also what is going to be safe. Generally sports massages will focus on releasing tense muscle and myofascial bands to ensure
Who would benefit from a sports massage ?
It’s not only athletes that require regular sports massages. Anyone with stiff and tight muscles will benefit from an AMS Sports Massage. Whether it is from training at the gym or from sitting too long at the desk a sports massage is a great way to get the body ready to be active and moving.
Benefits of Sports Massage
There are a range of benefits of sports massage including increased blood flow, circulation, release of tight muscles and fascial bands, improved function and performance. A sports massage is also great for mental wellbeing by taking time out to be mindful and aware of their body.
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